But they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so why don't we let the pictures do the talking?

Congratulations goes out to all the members of Team USA for giving us one heck of an Olympic memory. USA!! USA!! USA!!
Hockey musings (and the occasional rant) courtesy of one seriously obsessed girl.
"We have a home here and love it, and obviously have some great friends and great memories here," he said. "Certainly this is the place where I really like playing, but we'll just have to see how it plays out."But, one thing is certain, his fans and teammates will undoubtedly miss Ol' Blue Eyes.
"In fact, former coach Peter Laviolette used Wallin’s gaffe on a highlight reel of bloopers to loosen up the team before the playoffs. 'We did a voice-over saying what a great move by Wallin to make the game close,' Forslund said. 'He took it all in stride -- he’s been a terrific Hurricane.'"That he has John. That he has.
"I love to come to the rink, and whether you win or lose this is something that not many people get a chance to do and you’ve got to enjoy that. All the history and all the overtime Secret Weapon stuff, I will look back when I’m done playing."His teammates adore him (especially his "brother from another mother"), his coaches trust him and his fans will always remember him. Thank you Nic for everything you've given to this organization. You will be missed and never be forgotten. Best of luck wherever life takes you.